Ho Johan,

Johan Sandblom <j...@ndblom.se> writes:

> Since a year or so I am using org-mode ever more intensively. Among other
> things, I use it to track my training in pediatric medicine. I keep a sort
> of combined diary and planner of events, courses and work schedules in a
> file called arbete.org, which tracks the four years since I started until
> as far into the future as there are concrete plans. Sometimes I like to
> discuss my progress with someone, and then I usually make an html export of
> the timeline in this file. The timeline is becoming rather long, but I do
> not feel it would make sense to divide it into several files since it is a
> logical compartment of life for me.
> Is it possible to limit the timeline (or perhaps a custom agenda view) to a
> specific date range, for instance a year or "the fall of 2011"? I have
> searched the manual and FAQs but have found nothing that addresses
> this. Perhaps this reflects my misuse of org-mode, but on the other hand it
> does seem a useful feature (which probably means it exists but somehow
> eludes me).

You can set `org-agenda-span' within a custom agenda view.

See this example:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '((" " "Next 10 days" agenda "List of rendez-vous for the next 10 days"
         ((org-agenda-span 10)))))

Hope this helps,


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