Bastien writes:

> twiki <> writes:
>> How can you change the language in which Emacs
>> displays the Agenda in Org-mode?
> (setq calendar-day-name-array
>       ["lunedì" "martedì" "mercoledì" "giovedì"
>        "venerdì" "sabato" "domenica"])
> (setq calendar-month-name-array
>       ["gennaio" "febbraio" "marzo" "aprile" "maggio" "giugno"
>        "luglio" "agosto" "settembre" "ottobre" "novembre" "dicembre"])

  (setq-default system-time-locale "it")

or similar ought to do the trick as well.  As would starting emacs with
your locale set to Italian.  Something like

  LANG=it_IT.UTF8 emacs

Hope this helps
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2           FLOSS Engineer -- AVASYS CORPORATION
FSF Associate Member #1962               Help support software freedom

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