Eric Schulte <> writes:

> Hi,
> I've recently put together a web server which runs in Emacs and exports
> local Org-mode files to HTML in such a way that they may be edited from
> within a web browser with the edits saved to local files on disk.  The
> code is available from github.


I have been playing with this.  I really like it!

What I have been testing is how well it interacts with other CSS style
files.  Some work better than others but, most importantly, they all
require adding the following:

:     #+STYLE: <style> .raw-org { display: none;} </style>

to the individual org files so that the content displayed is only the
html generated by the export.  There may be a better/easier way to
handle this, of course.

More playing to be done... but I can see this being quite useful!  It
works really nicely with firefox in combination with a browser plugin
which allows me to edit the text in the boxes using emacsclient (with
org mode enabled!).

thanks (and to Nic as well for elnode),
: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.2-360-g2a95a4

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