
I was trying to set a location for my bibliography files which can be found
by org mode. The following lines in .bashrc does not work with orgmode
latex export

export TEXINPUTS=".//:$HOME/bibFiles//:$TEXINPUTS"
export BSTINPUTS=".//:$HOME/bibFiles//:$BIBINPUTS"
export BIBINPUTS=".//:$HOME/bst//:$BSTINPUTS"

I have put these lines in .gnomerc and .profile also

Normal pdflatex and bibtex runs from terminal successfully locates the bib
folder and bib files and generates the document with correct references but
orgmode latex export does not. If I put the .bib file where my .org file
is, then orgmode successfuly creates the document with reeerences.

How can i set BIBINPUT correctly so that emacs finds the bib files ?

the following link says that emacs does not recognize .bashrc. Even after
putting those codes in .gnomerc and .profile, emacs does not find the bib


Please help

*Sanjib Sikder
*Ph.D. Fellow
Chemical Engineering
IIT Bombay*


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