
I found another issue with the new exporter.

The export of the file below doesn't always include the image in the
export (that is, no image, not even a missing image).

When there is only one blank line after #+end_src, the image in
included.  Two or more blank lines, and there is no image.  in tex files
there is no \includegraphics, in html exports "<img src..." is missing.

Same happens when the org file ends after #+end_src and there are more
than two blank lines.  (That happened with the file I encountered the
issue first.  And, of course, didn't "see" any difference to a org file
where exporting worked... :-)

Best regards

--- snip --- snip ---
# -*- fill-column:75; coding: utf-8-unix; -*-
#+TITLE: file1

* plantuml diagram
#+begin_src plantuml :file example.png :exports results
title Todo for something

(*) --> "Count slowly to ten"
--> "Count slowly backwards to zero"
--> "Relax"
--> (*)

* next section

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
--- snip --- snip ---

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