I have tags defined in my .emacs using setq org-tag-alist. However, I have a group of files (>100) for which I want to define a different set of tags. Rather than place a #+TAGS directive I thought I would define them in another file (setup.org) and INCLUDE this in each of the 100 files.

However, this doesn't seem to work. Pressing C-q on the first headline of fpr.org only offers me the inherited tags defined in org-tag-alist. Is this expected behaviour or a bug?

#+TITLE: Common Setup Parameters for All Blog Files.
#+TAGS: blog(b) gear(g) mountaineering(m) emacs(e) linux(l) mythtv(m) backpacking(k) review(r)
#+STARTUP: logdone noptag


#+STARTUP: showall indent
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+TITLE: First Pinnacle Rib.
#+INCLUDE: "setup.org"

* First Pinnacle Rib - Tryfan

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