Hi All,

Since I use Orgmode 7.9.2, I tri to do this:
- parsing a directory in which several Org files are located. Basically,
each files is a blog post. So one org file pear day.
- import or include them in a main ORG file (index.org)
- export the main Org file to HTML to create a website.

To be more clear, this is the directory structure I build.
########+- index.org
####################+ 2012_10_12.org
####################+ 2012_10_09.org

Here is a typical "post" org file:

8<-----------------------------------CUT HERE
*Post title

blala c'est la crise....

8<----------------------------------- CUT HERE

Here is the index.org
8<-----------------------------------CUT HERE
#+SETUPFILE: ../templates/level-0.org
#+INCLUDE: ../templates/level-0.org

#+TITLE: Home

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil H:3 num:nil

# <<home>>
* Home
Welcome in ......................

* Latest Articles 1

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results
(let ((default-directory "~/path/to/the/directory/posts/"))
    (file-expand-wildcards "?org"))

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results
(directory-files "~/path/to/the/directory/posts/"

* Latest Articles 2
** Test 1

#+INCLUDE: "./posts/2012_10_12.org"
#+INCLUDE: "./posts/2012_10_09.org"

** Test 2

#+INCLUDE: "./posts/2012_10_12.org" :minlevel 2
#+INCLUDE: "./posts/2012_10_09.org" :minlevel 2

** Test 3

#+INCLUDE: "./posts/2012_10_12.org" :prefix1 "* "
#+INCLUDE: "./posts/2012_10_09.org" :prefix1 "* "

* Latest Articles 3

#+INCLUDE ~/Dropbox/Private/The_Flammable_project/wx-fp/posts/2012_10_09.org

* Latest Articles 4

#+BEGIN_SRC  :exports results :results output
cat ./posts/2012_10_12.org

8<----------------------------------- CUT HERE

Here is the status of my trial after doing "org-publish-project":

- Latest trials 1 : this elisp code parses the right directory but I don't
know how to import the result the elisp function and  them use "#+INCLUDE:"
them as org files. If someone can help me on that? I really like to do what
I want with elisp, more powerfull solution.

- Latest trials 2 : the "#+INCLUDE" command includes the content of each
files but in the 3 sub-tests the hierarchy is completely meesed up, like
"* Latest Articles 2"
"** 2012_10_12 Post title "
" blablabla from post 2012_10_12.org file"
"*** 2012_10_09 Post tile"
" blabla from post 2012_10_09.org file"

the second "included" files is put under another level of hierarchy even if
the command ":minlevel X" or ":prefix1" are used.
Gentleman's any suggestion?

- Latest Articles 3 & 4 : Not working at all.....

Here we are! The HTML export is working very well. So it's not a problem of
If someone can help me to do this I will really appreciate!


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