2012/10/28 Simon Thum <simon.t...@gmx.de>:
> On 10/28/2012 12:58 PM, Alexander Baier wrote:
>> To explain what i want to achieve regarding this example: I want a
>> weekly agenda view only displaying Event1, Event2 and Event4 but not
>> Event3 as it should be excluded by its tag.
>> Any help is appreciated.
> FWIW, my agenda is constructed like this:
> ("w" "work week agenda" agenda ""
>     ((org-agenda-span 'week)
>      (org-agenda-start-on-weekday 1) ;; work - begin on monday
>      (org-agenda-tag-filter-preset '("+@work")) ;; no OR (phd | @work)
> possible here!
>      (org-agenda-hide-tags-regexp "@work")
>      (org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
> ))
Do you know if there is another filter/setting that allows for more
complex filtering? (like the OR expression you pointed out)

> Using the tag-filter-preset allows to change the tags inside the agenda view
> because it filters the view, not the construction of the agenda.
> Excluding might work like this:
> (org-agenda-tag-filter-preset '("+like" "-dislike"))
This works like i wanted, thanks!


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