Thanks Thomas that works fine. Can you point me to where indexable variables are documented, as my feeble search skills seem to be faiing.


On 30/10/12 16:25, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Aloha Ian,

Will indexable variable values do what you want? Something like :var


Ian Barton <> writes:

I am using gnuplot to plot some data from a table:

#+tblname: monthly_total_mileage
| Month | Distance |
| Jan   |   272.04 |
| Feb   |   317.11 |
| Mar   |   354.27 |
| Apr   |   288.21 |
| May   |   488.35 |
| Jun   |   444.92 |
| Jul   |   497.21 |
| Aug   |   625.35 |
| Sep   |      821 |
| Oct   |    717.9 |
| Nov   |          |
| Dec   |          |
| Total |  4826.36 |

#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=monthly_total_mileage :file

    set boxwidth 0.5
    set xlabel 'month'
    set ylabel 'distance, km'

    plot data u 2:xticlabels(1) notitle with boxes fs solid 0.5

Ideally I want Babel to ignore the Totals row, so it doesn't get
processed and plotted by gnuplot. Is there any way of doing this? I want
to publish the data in several formats, some of which require me to
display the total and some of which don't.

Any other workarounds gratefully accepted.


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