Ista Zahn <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I've been silently suffering since the changes to source block
> processing announced at the end of September[1]. I had been using
> (abusing?) ':results org' to write results that would be processed as
> orgmode syntax and exported to both latex and html. For example, this
> #+name: tst
> #+begin_src R :results output org :exports results
>   library(ascii)
>   cat("* First ten\n")
>   print(ascii(head(mtcars)), type="org")
>   cat("\n* Last ten\n")
>   print(ascii(tail(mtcars)), type="org")
> #+end_src
> used to give me heading "First ten" followed by a table nicely
> formatted in html or latex depending on the export target, followed by
> a heading "Last ten", again followed by a nicely formatted table.
> Changing the data or the code in the block would update the contents.
> This was very convenient, and I relied heavily on this to generate
> reports.
> Now it seems that this very useful feature no longer exists, and try
> as I might I cannot find a way to duplicate it. Using ':results
> drawer' or ':results org' gives me verbatim export

This was a bug in ":results drawer", which should *not* escape its
results.  I've just pushed up a fix for this so ":results drawer" should
now be a drop-in replacement for your previous use-case of ":results
org" (as was the original intent of this change).


Eric Schulte

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