Jude DaShiell <jdash...@shellworld.net> wrote:

> Why is it when I try putting a date in this table using the calendar I get 
> no date entered when in a blank field and hear the message:
> Before first headline at position 376 in buffer medlog.org

How are you trying to insert the date?

This error is usually produced because some function is trying to do an
org-back-to-heading, i.e. the function does not expect the table to be
at top level. In particular, C-c C-d (org-deadline) and C-c C-s (org-schedule)
*want* a headline and insert the scheduling information after the headline,
not in the table.

OTOH, I tried entering a date into a table at top level with C-c .
which is bound to org-time-stamp, and the date gets inserted with no error
(and S-RET also works to increment the date in subsequent rows as
Michael Brand mentioned)

Org-mode version 7.9.2 (release_7.9.2-577-gb0a051 @ 


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