On Mon, 12 Nov 2012, Sean Lynch wrote:

> On 11/12/2012 06:55 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > 
> > I cannot reproduce this with
> > 
> > Org-mode version 7.9.2 (release_7.9.2-577-gb0a051 @ 
> > /home/nick/elisp/org-mode/lisp/)
> > 
> > and it sounds as if something is really broken in your setup (e.g. C-c C-d 
> > is
> > bound to something strange).
> > 
> C-c C-d is bound to org-deadline as it should be. I was thinking that I
> might have something wacky in my setup that is screwing this up, but I
> haven't found anything so far.
> > 
> > You should be able to get a backtrace then by doing M-x 
> > toggle-debug-on-error
> > and retrying the problematic command.
> > 
> I get the following backtrace:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Before first headline at position
> 1 in buffer org-test.org")
>   signal(error ("Before first headline at position 1 in buffer
> org-test.org"))
>   error("Before first headline at position %d in buffer %s" 1 #<buffer
> org-test.org>)
>   byte-code("\300\301`p#\207" [error "Before first headline at position
> %d in buffer %s"] 4)
>   org-back-to-heading(t)
>   byte-code("\306>\203J#      \203##  ;\203J#\307\310
> \"\203J#\212\311\312!\210\212\313
> \210`)#\314#\315=\203-##\202.#\f\n\312#\203I#\316\317!#\320\321\322
> !\"#3 \205G#\323 !#4)#\203r#  ;\203b#\320\321\324     #3\325#3!#\"\202q#
> \206q#\326\327\330\327\211#3#4&###5\203\235##\331\235\203\235##\315=\203\210##6\202\212##7\332\261#\210\333#8\327\211\211#9C&#\210\327#\212\214\327\211\211\211\211#:##;#<#=\311\312!\210\334#>\335P!\210\317\225b\210i#=\336\225b\210m\203\315#\337c\210\202\320#\317u\210#\204\342#\334\340#?P!\204\342#\341\342\327\"\210\334#>!\204##\334\343#@\344Q!\203##\316\317!#A\232\204##\336\224\336\225}\210\202##\345\337!\210\346u\210``}\210#B\203##\347#=!\210##CB#<#<\203l##<\211A#<@\211#;\315=\203<#\314#\327\312#\204[##;\350=\203K#\314\f\327\312#\204[##;\351=\203
> #\314#D\327\312#\203 #\352\353!\210\334\354!\203 #\352\353!\210\202
> #\334\355!\203v#\352\353!\210#B\203\204#n\203\204#\347#=!\210#\203\366#n\204\230#`Sf\356=\204\230#\332\202\231#\353#\315=\203\244##6\202\267##\350=\203\257##7\202\267##\351=\205\267##E\332\261#\210\333
> #8\206\312##\351=\205\312##F#\351=\327\211#9C&##n\204\360#`Sf\356=\204\360#\327f\357>\204\360#m\204\360#\332\202\361#\353c\210\317\210eb\210~\210\334\360!\203##`Sf\361\232\203##`S\362
> |\210 .#\207" [what time end org-scheduled-time-regexp
> org-deadline-time-regexp ts (scheduled deadline) string-match
> "^[-+]+[0-9]" org-back-to-heading t outline-next-heading
> re-search-forward scheduled match-string 1 apply encode-time
> org-parse-time-string org-get-compact-tod org-read-date-analyze
> decode-time org-read-date nil to-time (scheduled deadline) " "
> org-insert-time-stamp looking-at "\\( *\\)[^ \n]*" 0 "\n" "[  ]*" throw
> exit "[^ \n]*?" "[^ \n]*" insert-before-markers -1 org-indent-to-column
> deadline closed replace-match "" "--+<[^>]+>" "[      ]+" 32 (32 10) "[
> ]*\n" 10 ...] 8)
>   org-add-planning-info(deadline nil closed)
>   org-deadline(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-deadline nil nil)
> Also... I just found something very interesting with this behaviour that
> will probably help debug this.
> If I have a frame with two windows split horizontally (two windows
> side-by-side with C-x 3) with one window containing the org file I get
> this error
> If I have a frame with only one window containing the org file,
> everything works fine.
> If I have a frame with two windows split vertically (one above the other
> with C-x 2) with one window containing the org file, everything works fine.
I ran m-x-toggle-debug-on-error and then tried c-c . then tried c-b c-b 
twoice and no back trace was generated nor did the two c-b commands inside 
of calendar move the current date back two days either.  If there was an 
error in that situation apparently it has been sealed off in the update to 

jude <jdash...@shellworld.net> Adobe fiend for failing to Flash

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