Emacs allows you to enter a non-breaking space by typing Ctrl-x 8 <space>.
 That doesn't export to HTML as &nbsp; though.  Is this expected behavior,
or a bug?

I've worked around it by globally-replacing non-breaking spaces with &nbsp;
before exporting.

I'm using 7.9.2, the Nov. 5, 2012 build.

*D. C. Toedt III * |  Lawyer for tech companies  |  Houston, Texas (Central
time zone)    |  Last name is pronounced "Tate"
d...@toedt.com  |  +1 (713) 364-6545   |  *Blog:* On
Contracts<http://www.OnContracts.com>  |
 *LinkedIn:* dctoedt <http://www.linkedin.com/in/dctoedt>  |

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