Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi
> I have in a document a definition of a projection, which is essentially a 
> text as follow:
> #+BEGIN_src
>   +proj=aea +lat_1=-28.25
>           +lat_2=-29.75
>           +lat_0=29
>           +lon_0=30.75
>           +x_0=0
>           +y_0=0
>           +datum=WGS84
>           +units=m
>           +no_defs
> #+END_src
> Now this does obviously not export, as the source block language is missing. 
> Is there a way that I
> can get the same formating of the source in the exportes output but without 
> the syntax highlighting?
> is similar, but I would like the block to be formated as the SRC blocks.

I bet "fundamental" would work, e.g.,

#+begin_src fundamental
  +proj=aea +lat_1=-28.25

> Thanks,
> Rainer

Eric Schulte

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