Hiding footnotes would be a great enhancement as far as I am concerned. I mean "hiding" in the same way that entities can be hidden in Auctec.

Auctec allows a "fold mode" that replaces various entities with user defined symbols. For example, \label{xxx} becomes [l]; \footnote{xxxx} becomes [f]. The folded symbols are in a different face (customisable).

Entities to be hidden can be user defined, so that new latex macros may be hidden.

Folded objects expand when the cursor is put over them.

The fold mode dramatically increases readability of the raw manuscript, particularly when there are long footnotes.


Documentary letters of credit are used primarily to facilitate
international trade.[fn:2: Kerr J famously called the documentary
letter of credit the "crankshaft of modern trade" and "the lifeblood
of international commerce": RD Harbottle (Mercantile) Ltd v National
Westminster Bank Ltd 1978 QB 146 at 155.] The credit will ordinarily
be issued at the instigation of the purchaser of goods and the
beneficiary will be the seller. The credit will call for the
presentation of shipping documents, insurance policies and commercial
invoices along with other more specific documents.




Documentary letters of credit are used primarily to facilitate
international trade.[f] The credit will ordinarily
be issued at the instigation of the purchaser of goods and the
beneficiary will be the seller. The credit will call for the
presentation of shipping documents, insurance policies and commercial
invoices along with other more specific documents.



Alan L Tyree                    http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~alan
Tel:  04 2748 6206              sip:172...@iptel.org

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