On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> wrote:

> It looks as if you are creating temp files under /var/folders/2y on the
> remote: are you sure that a) the structure exists and b) permissions are
> set correctly?
> Do you have the /var/folders/2y structure on the local host or only on
> the remote? If only on the remote and the source block is running
> locally (because of the funcall bug), that would sort-of explain this
> behavior.

/var/folders/2y is peculiar to the local host, my Mac.  I am pretty
sure that this is a Mac (BSD?) idiom for temp files.  /var on the
remote is for root only and I have no influence over its permissions.

By the way I have also tried this with ":session *ssh-midway*" in the
header pointing to a session started with M-x ssh -- same results.

In case more precision about my (org-version) is helpful:

Org-mode version 7.9.2 (7.9.2-82-g2aeb28-elpa @

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