
I'm facing a slowness while using org-columns mode on a fairly large
file of mine with around 700 lines split between 3 outlines.

My column definition is the following:

:COLUMNS:  %50ITEM %Director %Year %WATCHED{X/}
:WATCHED_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"

The slowness is observed when I change the value of the WATCHED property
to the next value. Attached you can find the point where I found the
slowness after elp-instrumenting everything I could think of:

org-columns-compute                1           4.310940636   4.310940636
org-get-property-block             786         2.4934241719  0.0031722953
re-search-forward                  3919        1.4093316059  0.0003596151
org-before-first-heading-p         786         0.7155264029  0.0009103389
re-search-backward                 1573        0.4510285690  0.0002867314
org-update-property-plist          780         0.2562820100  0.0003285666
org-remove-if                      780         0.2458024500  0.0003151313
org-columns-string-to-number       780         0.0475362070  6.094...e-05
org-back-to-heading                787         0.0263376949  3.346...e-05
org-outline-level                  787         0.0196983080  2.502...e-05
org-re-property                    1564        0.0084069410  5.375...e-06
org-end-of-subtree                 1           0.007929779   0.007929779
org-match-string-no-properties     780         0.0048964310  6.277...e-06
org-not-nil                        780         0.002704256   3.466...e-06
org-columns-number-to-string       6           0.00019388    3.231...e-05
org-nofm-to-completion             6           0.000100014   1.6669e-05
org-add-props                      6           4.5256e-05    7.542...e-06

It seems strange to me that switching to the next value of a cell, a
call to org-columns-compute is needed. As you can see
org-get-property-block is calles 786 times (which is rougly the number of
all-level entries in this particular org file).

Is there any way to make things faster?

Best Regards,
Leonidas Tsampros

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