David Engster <deng <at> randomsample.de> writes:

> Bastien writes:
> > David Engster <deng <at> randomsample.de> writes:
> >> That is very strange. It should first
> >> ask: "Username [for Google CalDAV]:". If it does not do that, maybe you
> >> have that information in your .authinfo?
> >
> > I have this:
> >
> > machine smtp.gmail.com login bastienguerry <at> gmail.com password xxxxxx
> Since we're connecting to google.com this shouldn't matter, obviously,
> thus I'm at a loss why it doesn't ask. I currently cannot test anything
> reliably because I'm on vacation and there's no 3G around here, so I'm
> afraid this has to wait a bit. Unless "someone" beats me to it. 
> -David

hi David, Bastien,

did either of you resolve this problem about org-caldav just asking for the
password, and not the username?  I am now trying org-caldav, and am seeing the
same problem.  Happy to debug further if you can tell me which functions to look

Thanks, Stephen

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