Has anybody encountered ellipses instead of the first line of the window?

On 8/21/12, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> === beginning of window
> ...
> ******* Above all
> Above all, it is a collapse of the uneasy and corrupt
> identification of science -- that principled, unbiased, at
> times necessarily subversive, transparent, open-minded, and
> often selfless search for natural reality -- with rank
> authority.  The sloppy emulsion of water in oil.
> === end of window
> Note the "..." on the first line.  (Above that is merely ordinary body
> text in a sibling.)



The Kafka Pandemic: http://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com

The disease DOES progress.  MANY people have died from it.  ANYBODY
can get it.  There is no hope without action.

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