
I tried including the result of evaluation a block in several slides,
but the second time it was not included. Here is the code I ran:

#+begin_src org
** Prototype-based objects

#+name: object_example
#+begin_src js :results code output :exports both
var f = function(a) {
        this.x = a

f.prototype = {y : 1}

var o = new f (42)

console.log("o.x = " + o.x + ", o.y = " + o.y)


#+results: object_example

** Prototype-based objects

#+begin_src js
var f = function(a) {
        this.x = a

f.prototype = {y : 1}

var o = new f (42)

console.log("o.x = " + o.x + ", o.y = " + o.y)


#+results: object_example

(Some additional images added)

I cannot do a "\pause" because a slide will be inserted in the middle.

Is it possible to have the results of the evaluation of a block in
several places?



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