Hello all !

Version 2.0 of org-reftable.el has arrived at worg.
Please find it as:


Citing from its documentation:

;;; org-reftable.el --- Ordered lookup table for reference numbers
;; Purpose:
;;  Create, search and look up numbers from a dedicated reference table.
;;  These numbers (e.g. "R237" or "-455-") may be used to refer to:
;;   - Nodes in Org-mode (insert them into the heading)
;;   - Things outside of org (e.g. mailfolders, directories, reports or
;;     pieces of paper)
;;  The table is kept sorted for most frequently or most recently used
;;  reference numbers. Additionally, lines can be selected by keywords, so
;;  that specific references can be found very easily. Earlier versions of
;;  this extension had been named org-refer-by-number.el.

For a very simple example, please see three lines to add to your .emacs
and five org-mode nodes. All appended at the bottom of this message.

Now, for this example, say, that you want to visit the node for project "bar"
but do not remember its name. However, you recall that its related with 

So you type "C-+" to invoke org-reftable and then type "support" and RET.
This will show you the two lines (R2 and R1) from your table,
which contain the keyword "support".

  | R2  | project | bar            |       8 | [2012-12-07 Fr] | [2012-12-08 Sa 
23:37] | support, legal |
  | R1  | project | foo            |       1 | [2012-12-03 Mo] |                
       | support        |

The first line "R2" ist the one with the highest access count (8), because
the table is kept sorted for this count. And indeed, this is your project "bar".
Now just need to hit RET, to visit this node !

org-reftable.el has a lot more bells and whistles, e.g. commands to
create new references or search for existing ones in all your org-files.
All this, including the proper setup, is explained in its documentation.

Any comments or suggestions are highly welcome !

regards, Marc-Oliver Ihm

------------ lines to add to your .emacs ------------

(require 'org-reftable)
(setq org-reftable-id "f3da98e2-e265-4d4e-9c3a-d22c4b7bba23")
(global-set-key (kbd "C-+") 'org-reftable)

------------ example org-mode nodes ------------

* TODO R1 Project foo

  - [ ] Read paper R3

* TODO R2 Project bar

  - [ ] Talk to Jim

* DONE R5 Project baz
  CLOSED: [2012-12-08 Sa 23:01]

   - [X] Clean up directory R4

* TODO R6 Project qux

  - [ ] Clean shoes

* Reference numbers
  :ID:       f3da98e2-e265-4d4e-9c3a-d22c4b7bba23

  | Ref | Type    | description;c  | count;s | created         | last-accessed  
       | Keywords       |
  | R2  | project | bar            |       8 | [2012-12-07 Fr] | [2012-12-08 Sa 
23:37] | support, legal |
  | R5  | project | baz            |       5 | [2012-12-05 Mi] | [2012-12-08 Sa 
23:03] | financial      |
  | R6  | project | qux            |       3 | [2012-12-08 Sa] | [2012-12-08 Sa 
23:01] | sport          |
  | R4  | folder  | directory      |       2 | [2012-12-08 Sa] | [2012-12-08 Sa 
23:04] |                |
  | R1  | project | foo            |       1 | [2012-12-03 Mo] |                
       | support        |
  | R3  | paper   | printed report |         | [2012-12-04 Di] |                
       |                |

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