Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Alan Schmitt writes:
> As much as you would wish it wasn't so, your patch exceeds the tiny
> change limit (not even counting your previous contributions) and you'll
> need signed copyright papers for this to go into Org and Emacs.

OK, there's something I'm missing here. First, the patch is a copy of
the same functions in org-e-latex with about 100 characters modified (by
repeatedly renaming "latex" into "beamer" in several places). I thought
it would qualify for a "TINYCHANGE", but I guess this just proves I'm
not a lawyer ;-)

Second, I was under the impression that commits to contrib did not
participate to the 20 lines limit, as this directory is not included in
emacs. I put "TINYCHANGE" because Nicolas asked me when I did a small
change to org-e-latex.

I have actually signed and sent the papers to the FSF, I'm waiting to
get them back. Nevertheless it may be good to clarify whether the
TINYCHANGE restriction applies to files in contrib.



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