On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Christoph Herzog <rho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (org-add-link-type "thunderlink" 'org-thunderlink-open)
> (defun org-thunderlink-open (path)
>   "Opens  a specified email in Thunderbird with the help of the add-on
> ThunderLink."
>   (start-process "myname" nil "thunderbird" "-thunderlink" (concat
> "thunderlink:" path)))
> (provide 'org-thunderlink)
wow, fantastic!  thank you for this -- I just couldn't make myself
love wanderlust the way I wanted to, but I desperately missed org
integration-- and now I have it back!  this is fantastic.

(though I've just noticed that if I archive or move an email, the link
breaks -- not at al surprising, but it would be fantastic to get
around that somehow..)

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