
When working with org-capture and inserting links to files, I noticed
that some files do not open properly and found out that the filename
contains "&" which causes this issue. 

To replicate:
- Create a file test_&_file.txt
- In dired, locate the file and capture the link C-c l
- In an org file, insert link by C-c C-l
- Place point at file and C-c C-o (org-open-at-point)

The link org stores is e.g "~/test_&_file.txt".

This cannot be opened in a shell, but escaping the ampersand, the file
is opened fine, e.g. 

evince ~/test_\&_file.txt

I inserted the escape character in the org link, but this to my dismay
still doesn't work.

Any ideas?

(except the obvious change of ampersand in filenames)




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