Bastien <> writes:

> Achim Gratz <> writes:
>> I hope you are not suggesting to put all of ob into a single fileā€¦
> Actually that's a good idea!
> It should be ~170ko, quite manageable (similar to org-export.el.)
> In terms of features, is any of ob-{keys/tangle/table/etc.} 
> useful by itself, outside ob?
> How would you feel about this Eric?

I don't like this idea at all.

I'm already heavily using page-feed (^L) characters to navigate the
existing ob-core.el.  Combining all of the separate components of babel
into a single file would lose much needed separation and organization
and would make Babel harder to maintain.

In the absence of better ideas, I'm going to go ahead with this
refactoring.  If we do come up with a better idea at some time in the
future I'll be happy to make further changes.  Lacking that we can
always revert this change when Emacs Lisp begins to provide support for
proper modules.


Eric Schulte

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