Dear Bastien,

Sorry for the late reply.

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Bastien <> wrote:

> Hi Radhakrishnan,
> thanks for the information.  Am I correctly assuming you're one of
> the authors of the pdfx.sty package?

You are right, Bastien.

> Radhakrishnan CV <> writes:
> > I think, orgmode can even help to create a small XMP meta file (for
> > Dublin Core metadata compliance) needed by pdfx package while
> > creating standards compliant PDF's which at the moment is created by
> > pdfTeX in an unsatisfactory fashion.
> I don't know enough about this to be of real help, but if Org and
> Orgers can help, don't hesitate let us know precisely how!

I can help with LaTeX part of the stuff when needed.

Best regards


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