George Jones <> writes:

> Still need to 
> (setq temporary-file-directory "/tmp/") 
> for things to work, else I get:
> Couldn't write region to
> `/scpc:george@localhost#2222:/var/folders/j6/j6w17khs3vl9s2_yg4rb5zsm0000gn/T/input-
> 11249kNp', decode using `base64 -d -i >%s\
> ' failed 
> Test script and output, without explicitly setting
> temporary-file-directory, attached:

Indeed. I've published a patch to ob.el (as of Emacs trunk). Meanwhile,
ob.el has been renamed to ob-core.el; likely that patch was lost :-(

Bastien, could you please apply this patch (for `org-babel-temp-file')?

> Thanks,
> ---George Jones

Best regards, Michael.

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