Bastien <> writes:

> Hi François,

Salut, et Joyeuses Festivités! :-)

>> I recently needed to produce Org tables from within Python

> Thanks for the code, if some can test it and put it on worg, all the
> better (if you agree of course.)

Of course!

>> I wrongly thought Org mode was aligning floating numbers on the
>> decimal period, while it merely right align floating numbers
>> regardless of the position of the period.

> Is it a standard practise when displaying float numbers in
> spreadsheets/tables?

I do not know, and should check indeed.  Yet, even then, it does not
mean Org tables could not do better than standard practice! :-)

> If so, this is a nice Elisp challenge for anyone willing to
> implement it :)

I'd tackle it myself, yet if I do it before a few weeks, it'd mean I'm
toying rather than doing what I should rather be doing...  Sigh!

Happy Times to everybody!


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