Bastien writes:
> I use Org from Git and I don't have 
>   (load "org-loaddefs.el" t t)
> in my .emacs.el.  I simply have:
>   (add-to-list 'load-path "~/install/git/org-mode/lisp/")
> before any Org configuration and *all* autoloads are correct.

Only with a recent Emacs 24 and it really only works for code paths that
load org.el early enough.  I cannot stress often enough that the
autoload definitions are not absolute and _this_ is the part that makes
things really tricky.  They will follow changes in load-path, but only
if the library name stays the same.  Again, the example to try is this:

Move an autoloaded function from one file to another in the Git
directory.  Re-generate the autoload file.  Re-start Emacs, try to call
that function and see Emacs try to load the _old_ file (because that's
the autoload definition it has at that point).  Re-start Emacs again,
load org-loaddefs with the proper load-path in place and see that it
loads the new file.

> My understanding is that users who don't use "make install"
> will have to do the same and add the correct load-path, which
> will in turn produce the correct autoloads.  Am I right?

I'm not sure I understand you correctly.  All of the following
conditions must hold for this to work:

- the load-path is set up to point to the Git work-tree first and no
  functions in the org namespace have been called before doing so

- the org-loaddefs.el in the Git worktree is up-to-date

- none of the invoked functions have their library-name changed in the
  Git worktree

- all code-paths must trigger loading of org (and thus org-loaddefs)
  before invoking further autoloads

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