Hi all,

I have

(setq org-todo-keywords
       '((sequence "TODO(t!)" "STARTED(s!)" "WAITING(w@/@)" "|" "DONE(d@/@)"
                   "CANCELLED(c@/@)" "DEFERRED(D@/@)")))

in my .emacs.

In http://orgmode.org/org.html#TODO-basics I read

C-u C-c C-t
    Select a specific keyword using completion or (if it has been set
up) the fast selection interface.
    For the latter, you need to assign keys to TODO states, see
Per-file keywords, and Setting
    tags, for more information.

When I hit C-u C-c C-t on a headline, the result is that the headline
cycles through my TODO states (as defined above). In effect, C-u C-c
C-t behaves as C-c C-t is documented to.

I've checked through my org configuration for other settings that
affect todo sequences and states and don't think I've got anything
that accounts for this.

I'm perfectly happy with the behaviour I observe. But, it isn't what
one would expect from reading the docs. (I suspect that the docs might
not have been updated when org-todo-keywords was introduced. Or, as
has happened before, I've misunderstood something.)

Org-mode version 7.9.2 (7.9.2-dist @ /home/brian/.emacsd/site-lisp/org/)
Mark set
GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1) of
2010-12-11 on brahms, modified by Debian


Brian vdB

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