
I sent the request to ass...@gnu.org 10 days ago and wait for the

By the way, I messed up with parens when I remove dangling ones so don't
bother about the last [PATCH] mail.

Bastien <b...@altern.org> writes:

> Hi Samuel,
> Samuel Loury <konubi...@gmail.com> writes:
>> In attachment is a patch making tests of the previous mail
>> (id:"87wqvtrxcp....@konixwork.incubateur.ens-lyon.fr") pass.
> thanks for raising this issue again -- I agree with your 
> point here, but I cannot apply the patch as it is too big
> to be considered a TINYCHANGE (way above 20 lines.)
> Would you consider assigning your copyright to the FSF?
> http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-mode.git/plain/request-assign-future.txt
> Thanks,
> -- 
>  Bastien

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