Hi there,

I mainly use org-mode for planning, and one thing I often do is (i)
insert a timestamp, and (ii) open the agenda at the given date and see
if I had anything planned already.

Would anyone have some experience to share with respect to automating
step (ii) ? Atm, I'm thinking of writing a function that lists all
agenda entries for which there is an intersection in the time range with
a given timestamp, and optionally also lists entries that have no time
spec but are planned on the same day.

My use case is to ease the process of filling in a "doodle". I already
wrote a few lines to import the proposed dates of a given doodle into
org-mode timestamps (see here: https://gist.github.com/4529894). Atm I
have to open (C-c C-o) each time stamp to see if there's a clash.

Any comment are welcome ! Thanks for your attention,


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