Nick Dokos <> wrote:

> Im Exil <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > after I've decided to use emacs24 I found out that logging of work
> > does no lpnge work. All I get after typing:  "C-c C-x C-i" all I get
> > is an empty
> > 
> > CLOCK:
> > 
> > and the message:
> > byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: org-get-effort
> > 
> > Any idea what I'm missing? I'm using the git version tag release_7.9.3
> > as ELPA did not really work well.
> > 
> ... 
> set the load-path in your .emacs (or other init file as
> applicable) *before any piece of org is loaded* - you seem to be loading
> org.el before resetting the load-path, so you end up getting the org.el
> from the emacs distribution.

Uhhh, that's not right - I should have said: you seem to be getting
org-clock.el (or whoever used to use org-get-effort) from the emacs
distribution, but org.el (which does not define org-get-effort any more)
from the git clone.

Sorry for misleading,

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