Thank you a lot!

I ran into the issue that repeated syncs have putting and deleting 
wrong (it seems).

I use a script in crontab to sync different calendars:


### Es werden die Inhalte der Org-Mode Dateien in verschiedene Calender
### in der owncloud exportiert.

for calendar in Ferien Geburtstage Todo WAB;  do \
emacs --batch \
       --load ${HOME}/Working-Copies/Scripts/Org-Multicalendar/${calendar}.el ; 


${calendar}.el looking like

(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/steuer/GIT/org-mode/lisp/")
(require 'org)

(setq org-icalendar-include-todo t)
(setq org-icalendar-use-deadline '(todo-due))
(setq org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(event-if-not-todo))

(require 'url)
(require 'auth-source)
(setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.netrc" :host t :protocol t)))
(setq auth-source-debug t)

(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/steuer/GIT/org-caldav/")
(setq org-caldav-url 
(setq org-caldav-calendar-id "ferien")
(setq org-caldav-files '("/home/steuer/.pim/") )
(setq org-caldav-inbox "/home/steuer/.pim/")
(require 'org-caldav)

That worked for me, but now, after a first successful sync I get:

(2. and subsequent syncs!)
steuer@vknecht-intel:~> /home/steuer/bin/
Contacting host: ######
Reading [application/xml; charset=utf-8]... 306 bytes of 291 bytes (105%)
auth-source-user-or-password: get login for ######:80 (http)
auth-source-user-or-password: found (login)=(#####) for ######:80 (http)
auth-source-user-or-password: get password for #####:80 (http)
auth-source-user-or-password: found (password)=SECRET for #####:80 (http)
Reading [application/xml; charset=utf-8]... 1k of 1k (101%)
Saving file /tmp/orgics11019cvx...
Wrote /tmp/orgics11019cvx
Saving file /tmp/orgics11019O5A...
Wrote /tmp/orgics11019O5A
Saving file /tmp/org-caldav-11019TUn...
Wrote /tmp/org-caldav-11019TUn
Reading [application/xml; charset=utf-8]... 1k of 1k (101%)
Reading [application/xml; charset=utf-8]... 1k of 1k (101%)
Putting event 1 of 5
Putting event 2 of 5
Putting event 3 of 5
Putting event 4 of 5
Putting event 5 of 5
Deleting event 1 from 5
Deleting event 2 from 5
Deleting event 3 from 5
Deleting event 4 from 5
Deleting event 5 from 5
Wrote /home/steuer/.emacs.d/org-caldav-fb95cae.el
Symbol's function definition is void: pop-to-buffer-same-window


So it seems all events get deleted immediately after loading them up.
Indeed my calendars show up empty again in owncloud :-)

Any hints?

org from today, emacs 23.2, org-caldav from yesterday


On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 22:53:53 +0100
David Engster <> wrote:

> I just pushed a pretty big update to org-caldav. Get it at
> The short story: org-caldav now does proper two-way syncing. It's pretty
> much a rewrite, actually. If you're already using org-caldav, you will
> have to start from scratch after updating.
> Please read the README before using this version. Most notably,
> org-caldav will set org-icalendar-store-UID when doing the iCalendar
> export, so every entry with an activate timestamp will get an ID
> property like this:
>   :ID:       6cdf8805-8d1a-46ac-94fc-d225cac5f098
>   :END:
> If you don't want this, do not use this package.
> Please report bugs here or in the github tracker. And please have
> backups.
> -David

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