Vincent Beffara writes:
> Works great for me, thanks! One thing that changed (but it was kind of
> a glitch anyway, even if a nice one to have): events with several
> timestamps now appear only once rather than one per timestamp. Not
> sure if this is due to org-caldav or to recent evolutions in the
> org->ics export. Anyway, not a big deal.

That's a consequence of org-caldav now doing proper syncing. Every Org
entry is linked through the UID to exactly one event in the calendar. If
I would allow an entry to produce several events in the calendar, we
would get duplicate UIDs there, which is not allowed. One could code
around that (in fact, the iCalendar export already does that by putting
stuff like 'DL' or 'TS' in front of the UIDs), but it would make syncing
from the Calendar to Org much more difficult.

> One thing hinted at in the docs, but I couldn't figure out how to do
> it: how do you use an authinfo file? Mine seems to be ignored totally
> ...

The example given in the Readme

machine port https login username password secret

should work. If it doesn't, set `auth-source-debug' to 't' and look into
the Messages buffer. Maybe it doesn't work properly on older Emacs
versions; a lot has changed in auth-source recently.


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