Hi David,

hehehe well we just started testing it a bit. Don't frighten there are
problems... ;)
So far, we could see appointments in the SOGo calendar which magically
appeared after calling sync.

Just to get started with problems:

I noticed that there seems to be a problem with syncing events back to org.
E.g., if I move a entry from within org-caldav, after sync I get a message
about sync caldav->org, they still appear at the same position in the
org-mode fie but the entry has no date at all. The old entry can be found
in org-caldav-backup.org

Furthermore, I notice, that entries have a 1 hour shift (an appointment at
9:00 in org appears as 10:00 in SOGo). I set already the timezone but the
problem remain. Since 1 hour is exactly the time difference between UTC and
the local timezone (Europe/Berlin), as well as summer/winter time settings,
I would assume the problem is related to this. I know that this kind of
stuff can be a mess.

I would like to say that I really love the debug and sync messages. For
those kind of procedures, I always frighten that something goes wrong
unnoticed and I was really happy to see a the user readable status messages.

I also noticed the files org-caldav-2094e16.el and org-caldav-backup.org.
However, they are stored in my .emacs.d folder. Would it make sens to have
an option to save them relatively to the org-file? E.g. relative to the
path set in org-caldav-files? That would help to keep infos together and
might be even a security concern (e.g., you might forget to move or delete
backup infos in .emacs.d)!?

Thanks, that's good news. I'm actually pretty surprised that it works
> right out of the box.
> >  Any plans to sync tasks too?

SOGo calendars allow to set events and tasks (not sure whether tasks are
part of the caldav specs). From what I can say they differ only in the fact
that a task has a certain deadline and can be marked done. Thus, this would
be equivalent to a TODO DEADLINE entry in org-mode

Thanks again for this great work and please tell us how to help you to get
SOGo 100% compatible, we would like to help as much as we can.



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