
I was wondering if it is possible to export an agenda in form of a weekly
For the good old "offline" times, I would like to carry a printed version
of e.g., the last week, current week and the next week with me (e.g.
printed all on a double sided printed A5 page).
That would allow me to jot down changes and have a quick look on my
schedules at all time. Those changes, I would transfer back as soon as I
sit again in front of a PC.
I notice that I tend to forget to enter appointments just out of my head
esp. if things get busy.
The second benefit would be that I can file those weekly paper copies, in a
classic manner and hence keep a paper based backup version (which due to
the overlap even has a CVS like versioning mechanism ;)) just in case.
I started to use org-caldav and hence, I know about the possibility to
perform an export to caldav and using a calendar program with caldav
support to print such a calendar.
However, the groupware I am using does not allow pretty printing of the
web-based client and I hesitate to install another client (most are big
beasts like thunderbird+lightning, evolution, etc.) just for printing.
In addition I would like to keep the workflow more org-mode centric and not
caldav centric. Hence, a direct export from org-mode would be more welcome.

I somehow remember that there was a way to create a PDF file but I can't
find it anymore and I remember that the entries overlapped each other and
it wasn't that pretty.
Does someone here has a method or work-chain to export a org-agenda into
such a calendar view?
I'm happy with an external (console script, TeX, etc.) solution too.

Alternatively, I am happy to hear how others try to get paper and org
versions together.



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