Daimrod <daim...@gmail.com> writes:

> François Pinard <pin...@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

>> ColOrg is a project about real-time collaborative editing of Org files.

> That's a really cool project!


> Do you plan to keep the server in Python?  Or do you think it would be
> possible to make this in Emacs Lisp only with Elnode[1] for the
> server-side?

Once we get a working solution, the protocol remains the contact point.
The server could be replaced using other languages, and new clients may
be written for other editors (given they are extensible enough).  My
goal is quickly getting something usable, so I selected the means that
looked fastest to me, and that's how Python got in the picture.

Is there any incentive for rewriting the server in Emacs Lisp?  For one,
even if rather bearable, Emacs Lisp is not my preferred programming
language.  Moreover, I consider a bit wrong having to rely on an editor
for tasks wholly unrelated to editing.  Other people are free to have
differing opinions, and do that rewrite, however. 

If I really had more time and less pressure, I would likely have
selected Node (JavaScript) to write the server instead of Python.  The
choice of JSON within the ColOrg communication protocol is a way, for
me, to leave that door opened.  One not so hidden dream is to bring Org
mode a bit closer to Web browsers, if there are ways to do so.


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