Bastien <> writes:

Hi Bastien,

>> Why do you consider outline(-minor-mode) as completely unusable? 
> Because of the keybindings.

I found a really nice alternative keymap here:

 | ; Outline-minor-mode key map
 | (define-prefix-command 'cm-map nil "Outline-")
 | ; HIDE
 | (define-key cm-map "q" 'hide-sublevels)    ; Hide everything but the 
top-level headings
 | (define-key cm-map "t" 'hide-body)         ; Hide everything but headings 
(all body lines)
 | (define-key cm-map "o" 'hide-other)        ; Hide other branches
 | (define-key cm-map "c" 'hide-entry)        ; Hide this entry's body
 | (define-key cm-map "l" 'hide-leaves)       ; Hide body lines in this entry 
and sub-entries
 | (define-key cm-map "d" 'hide-subtree)      ; Hide everything in this entry 
and sub-entries
 | ; SHOW
 | (define-key cm-map "a" 'show-all)          ; Show (expand) everything
 | (define-key cm-map "e" 'show-entry)        ; Show this heading's body
 | (define-key cm-map "i" 'show-children)     ; Show this heading's immediate 
child sub-headings
 | (define-key cm-map "k" 'show-branches)     ; Show all sub-headings under 
this heading
 | (define-key cm-map "s" 'show-subtree)      ; Show (expand) everything in 
this heading & below
 | ; MOVE
 | (define-key cm-map "u" 'outline-up-heading)                ; Up
 | (define-key cm-map "n" 'outline-next-visible-heading)      ; Next
 | (define-key cm-map "p" 'outline-previous-visible-heading)  ; Previous
 | (define-key cm-map "f" 'outline-forward-same-level)        ; Forward - same 
 | (define-key cm-map "b" 'outline-backward-same-level)       ; Backward - same 
 | (global-set-key "\M-o" cm-map)


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