Arun Persaud <> wrote:

> Hi
> many of my projects have the following form:
> * project name
> ** subtask
> *** TODO item1
>   SCHEDULED: <timestamp>
> sometimes it looks like
> * project name
> ** subtask
> *** TODO item2 [1/3]
>   - [X] task1
>   - [ ] task2
>   - [ ] task3
>   SCHEDULED: <timestamp>
> currently my agenda view shows something like
> <filename>: <time> TODO <text next to TODO item in file> <tags>
> e.g.
> home: Scheduled: TODO look into customize agenda views
> I'm wondering if it is possible to customize this, so that it will
> display something like the following:
> <filename>: <time> projectname->subtask->TODO look into customize agenda
> views
> that is adding some breadcrumbs in front of the item to make it clearer
> what the context of the TODO item is.

org-agenda-prefix-format can probably be adjusted to do some of this.
In particular, %t can deal with the timestamp and %(expression) can
evaluate a lisp expression: all you need to do is write a function to
get the pieces you want.

> For the second kind of items it would be nice to see something like this
> in the agenda:
> <filename>: <time> projectname->subtask->TODO item2 -> task2
> e.g. also add the next item in the list that needs to be done.
> Any ideas?

I don't know how to do this or even if it is possible without mucking
around with the code. But if history is any guide, it's probably
possible :-)


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