Hello Samuel and Eric

Thank you for your suggestions. I have tried In-Place Annotations in the
meantime. However, that doesn't work because every line of annotation
begins with a hard-coded ":", which breaks the orgmode markup. [Hm, now,
I'm just thinking about the possibility to simply replace that by "* "
in the el.] Switching to babel might be a solution. I will try it. At
the moment I'm using org-annotate-file with similar results as Samuel's
suggestion would yield. Org-annotate-file didn't work for me in the
past, because it didn't recognize the exact line in the associated
document (org-annotate-file-add-search) for any reason. But now it
works. Anyway, this package is not able to display an annotation within
the original file (what In-Place Annotations can do).



Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 1/22/13, Sven Bretfeld <sven.bretf...@gmx.ch> wrote:
>> Is it anyhow possible to use a .tex file as an org-agenda-file?
> It might be possible to put an ID marker in the document.  A command
> then would take you to a headline in a .org file.  That headline can
> then have all Org features.
> 1:1 mapping.
> Another command would take you back to that position in the document.
> Samuel

Prof. Dr. Sven Bretfeld
      \ CEntrum für
CERES  \ REligionswissenschaftliche
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44780 Bochum

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