Christopher Schmidt <> writes:
> Bastien <> writes:
>> Can you provide a reproducible recipe?
> I already did, check <>.  The issue I
> described will only occur if one uses AUCTeX and AUCTeX has not been
> loaded already.  Nick did not follow the recipe so he was not able to
> reproduce.

    Christopher Schmidt <> writes:
    > Recipe:
    >     emacs -q # + AUCTeX
    >     C-x b rms RET
    >     M-x org-mode RET
    >     M-: (insert "a") RET
    >     C-x h
    >     M-x org-export-region-as-latex RET
    >     # In buffer *Org LaTeX Export*
    >     C-c C-c
    >     TeX-command-master: Symbol's value as variable is void: TeX-master

For the record, the first step of my recipe, "emacs -q # + AUCTeX", goes
like this:

    $ cd /tmp
    $ export HOME=/tmp
    $ emacs -q --eval "(progn (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 
'auctex) (kill-emacs))"
    $ emacs -q --eval "(package-initialize)"

Is there anything I can do to help you to help me - i.e. fixing that bug


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