Hi, I am trying to set up a class notes system using Org (based on my
Nexus 7 w/BT Keyboard, but that's another story)
I mostly have things they way I would like (I think), with each day's
class notes as an org file, and a capture template to insert an entry
into a date tree with some information + a link to the file name.
This is all working great.
What I would like is an agenda view that will pull the date tree
entries matching a certain tag (IE class name) *AND* the linked file,
and combine them into an agenda file
For example,
* 2013
** 2013-01 January
*** 2013-01-21 Monday
**** NOTE [2013-01-21 Mon 1410]     :class1:
*** 2013-01-28 Monday
**** NOTE  [2013-01-28 Mon 14:51]    :class1:
**** NOTE  [2013-01-28 Mon 14:51]    :class2:
*** 2013-01-29 Tuesday
**** NOTE  [2013-01-29 Mon 14:51]    :class1:

Would like to transform this to something like:
2013-01-21 Monday
<contents of filename.c>

2013-01-28 Monday
<contents of filename.a>

2013-01-29 Tuesday
<contents of filename.b>

Any ideas?  I'm an avid org user in some ways but pretty new to agenda
file customization

Subhan Michael Tindall | Software Developer
| s...@rentrakmail.com
RENTRAK | www.rentrak.com | NASDAQ: RENT

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