Thorsten Jolitz <> wrote:

> Hi List, 
> just wondering (and curious) if this is a bug or (in some way) expected
> behaviour:
> Say point is at the beginning of the first line of an Org-mode source
> block:
> ,------------------------------------------------
> | #+begin_src plantuml :file er-class-diagram.png
> | scale 600 width ...           # point at beg-of-line
> `------------------------------------------------
> Now, when I call interactive command org-babel-mark-block' either with
> 'M-x org-babel-mark-block' or 'C-c C-v C-M-h', the body of the source
> block is (visibly) marked as expected (transient-mark-mode is on). 
> But with the point at the same position, evaluating with  'M-:' 
> ,--------------------------------------
> | Eval: (org-babel-mark-block)
> `--------------------------------------
> returns the position of point without (visibly) marking the source-block
> body. 

The function is called differently in the two cases:

* backtrace with ESC ESC : (org-babel-mark-block)

  eval((org-babel-mark-block) nil)
  eval-expression((org-babel-mark-block) nil)
  call-interactively(eval-expression nil nil)

* backtrace with M-x org-babel-mark-block

  call-interactively(org-babel-mark-block record nil)
  command-execute(org-babel-mark-block record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "org-babel-mark-block")
  call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)

I don't know if that accounts for the difference - my guess is that
it probably does, but I don't know how.


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