I want to avoid over-headlining data.

So in my playlist, I will list the songs as text, rather than as headlines.
The problem is, I'd like to tag, in the following example, "(8) Beata
as my favorite composition in the Hilliard Ensemble performance.

** Classical
*** Pérotin
**** Description

Pérotin (fl. c. 1200), also called Perotin the Great, was a European
composer, believed to be French, who lived around the end of the 12th and
beginning of the 13th century. He was the most famous member of the Notre
Dame school of polyphony and the ars antiqua style.
**** Performances
***** The Hilliard Ensemble

(1) Viderunt Omnes
(2) Veni Creator Spiritus
(3) Alleluia Posui Adiutorium
(4) O Maria Virginei
(5) Dum Sigillum
(6) Isalas Cecinit
(7) Alleluia Nativitas
(8) Beata Viscera
(9) Sederunt Principes

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