On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 2:59 AM, Michael Baum <maab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - What signals the end of the block of text to be used as data? I take it
> that it's important that these all be comment lines staring with a colon
> after the #+name label? Is there a way to do the same thing with a begin and
> end block construction?
> - In this line:
>        #+begin_src sh :stdin lines-of-text :results output
> does the flag :stdin mean that the following named block literally becomes
> the STDIN stream for the code block? If I replace your shell/grep example
> with this:
> #+begin_src perl :stdin lines-of-text :results output
> while (<>) {
>    print $_;
> }
> #+end_src
> ...it doesn't work, although as far as I know that perl code snippet should
> in fact simply print out the incoming lines from stdin.
> Thanks again,
> Michael


The :stdin option is only defined for shell and awk AFAIK. (Might be
an idea to add to other languages..)

You can pass in a variable referring to the block of text, as shown
below (example for ruby but should work for perl):

#+begin_src org

#+name: more-lines-of-text
What signals the end of the block of text to be used as data? I take
it that it's important that these all be comment lines staring with a
colon after the #+name label? Is there a way to do the same thing with
a begin and end block construction?

#+begin_src ruby :var lines=more-lines-of-text :results output
  puts lines.reverse

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