Bastien <> wrote:

> PS: I wonder if *any* of the menu item is used... as I don't use the
> menu myself, it's hard to tell.

I do: there are many things I use rarely[fn:1] (e.g. archiving, drawers,
properties, even marking TODOs outside the agenda: was that C-c t or C-c
C-t now?) that I have not got into my finger memory. The menu is a
useful crutch for me in those cases: I use the menu the first time,
put the key chord into short-term memory and forget about it as soon
as I'm done. Two weeks later, I start from scratch :-)



[fn:1] An imprecise term, but for me that means "less often than once a week".
       YMMV. And as one gets older, that mileage changes - DAMHIKT :-)

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