I'm trying to capture into a datetree using org-capture, but if my tree has a 
tag on it (in particular noexport), then it creates a new datetree instead of 
using the one I have.
Example .emacs:
(global-set-key "\C-cc" 'org-capture)
(setq org-capture-templates
        '(("t" "Test" plain (file+datetree "~/Test.org")
                "%^{Greeting} World
I'm going to work this time")))

Example Test.org:

* 2013                                                             :noexport:
** 2013-02 February
*** 2013-02-19 Tuesday
Hello World
I'm going to work this time

So, based on the above, if I type C-cct Silly C-cc, I'll get this:

* 2013                                                             :noexport:
** 2013-02 February
*** 2013-02-19 Tuesday
Hello World
I'm going to work this time
* 2013
** 2013-02 February
*** 2013-02-19 Tuesday
Silly World
I'm going to work this time

Thanks for your attention,
 Jeffrey McBeth
"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over 
 the man who cannot read them."
 -- Mark Twain

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