
I'm using habit-style items a lot in my 'org' routine. A typical entry
would look like this:

*** TODO Do something daily                                                     
SCHEDULED: <2013-02-20 wo .+1d>
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2013-02-19 di 14:01]
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2013-02-17 zo 12:39]
[lots of entries here]
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2010-02-25 Thu 13:51]
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2010-02-10 Wed 15:19]
:STYLE: habit
:LAST_REPEAT: [2013-02-19 di 14:01]
:CREATED: <2011-03-25 vr 12:33>
...Some description...

I have all habits in a file habits.org which is part of the
'org-agenda-files' list.

When editing entries in the habits.org file, for example changing the
header, emacs CPU using goes to 100% and every keystroke takes 5-10

Apparently the long list of logbook entries is making
org-mode do a lot of work.  If I remove the logbook entries from a
header, editing it becomes fast again 

I've run elp-instrument-package and the top lines in the results were:
(while entering some text in the heading)

Function name                   Call Count  Elapsed Time  Average Time
org-self-insert-command         24          102.20533396  4.2585555817
org-indent-refresh-maybe        96          102.19307239  1.0645111708
org-indent-add-properties       96          102.14709837  1.0640322747
org-at-item-p                   49728       99.277038295  0.0019964011
org-list-in-valid-context-p     48768       98.348947434  0.0020166696
org-in-block-p                  48768       98.188771636  0.0020133852
org-fix-tags-on-the-fly         24          76.427716178  3.1844881740
org-align-tags-here             24          76.427226749  3.1844677812
org-between-regexps-p           438912      74.150505545  0.0001689416
org-at-regexp-p                 438912      3.2884631479  7.492...e-06
org-list-item-body-column       48768       1.3817966130  2.833...e-05
org-item-re                     49728       0.1814685910  3.649...e-06
org-get-indentation             960         0.1036291090  0.0001079469

Is there anything I can do to improve performance. If possible I'd
like to keep the logbook entries in the same file as the habits.


Marcel van der Boom  -- http://hsdev.com/mvdb.vcf
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