Hello, I faced a problem and I think this is a bug in new exporter, html,
introduced in commit
  ox-publish: Implement tools to resolve external fuzzy links                   

Small test files

#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle test1.org
,#+TITLE: This is test1 file
,#+AUTHOR: Vladimir Lomov

,* Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to show or not to show a problem with
exporting Org document into html.

#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle test2.org
,#+TITLE: Test document number 2
,#+AUTHOR: Vladimir Lomov

,* What I expect from this document

I expect that when exported to html this file will have correct URL,
http://www.orgmode.org, as well as link to external document, like
[[file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document][Purpose of this document]].

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle debug.el
(setq load-path (cons "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org" load-path))
(setq debug-on-error t)
(require 'org)
(require 'ox-html)


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "`org-publish-cache-get' called, but no 
cache present")
  signal(error ("`org-publish-cache-get' called, but no cache present"))
  error("`org-publish-cache-get' called, but no cache present")
  org-publish-cache-get-file-property("/home/vladimir/tmp/test1.org" :numbering 
nil t)
  org-publish-resolve-external-fuzzy-link("test1.org" "*Purpose of this 
  org-html-link((link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent 
(section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:parent (headline (:raw-value "What I expect from this document" :begin 59 :end 
310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :level 1 
:priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 
:footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY 
nil :title ... :parent ...) #4)) #2)) #("I expect that when exported to html 
this file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #2)) (link (:type "http" 
:path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #2)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #2)) #0 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #2)))) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #0))) #("Purpose of this document" 0 24 (:parent (link (:type 
"file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent 
(section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:parent ...) #4)) #("I expect that when exported to html this file will have 
correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #4)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #4)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #4)) #2 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #4)))) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #2))))) (:input-file "/home/vladimir/tmp/test2.org" :title ("Test 
document number 2") :html-extension "html" :html-link-home "" :html-link-up "" 
:html-mathjax "" :html-postamble auto :html-preamble t :html-style "" 
:html-style-extra "" :html-style-include-default t :html-style-include-scripts 
t :html-table-tag "<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" 
rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\">" :creator "Generated by <a 
href=\"http://orgmode.org\";>Org</a> mode 7.9.3e in <a 
href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/\";>Emacs</a>" :with-latex t 
:infojs-opt nil :author ("Vladimir Lomov") :date nil :description nil :email 
"vladi...@smoon3.smoon.org" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :headline-levels 3 
:keywords nil :language "en" :preserve-breaks nil ...))
  org-export-data((link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent 
(section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:parent (headline (:raw-value "What I expect from this document" :begin 59 :end 
310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :level 1 
:priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 
:footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY 
nil :title ... :parent ...) #4)) #2)) #("I expect that when exported to html 
this file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #2)) (link (:type "http" 
:path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #2)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #2)) #0 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #2)))) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #0))) (:input-file "/home/vladimir/tmp/test2.org" :title ("Test 
document number 2") :html-extension "html" :html-link-home "" :html-link-up "" 
:html-mathjax "" :html-postamble auto :html-preamble t :html-style "" 
:html-style-extra "" :html-style-include-default t :html-style-include-scripts 
t :html-table-tag "<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" 
rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\">" :creator "Generated by <a 
href=\"http://orgmode.org\";>Org</a> mode 7.9.3e in <a 
href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/\";>Emacs</a>" :with-latex t 
:infojs-opt nil :author ("Vladimir Lomov") :date nil :description nil :email 
"vladi...@smoon3.smoon.org" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :headline-levels 3 
:keywords nil :language "en" :preserve-breaks nil ...))
  #[(element) "\302    \"\207" [element info org-export-data] 3]((link (:type 
"file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent 
(section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:parent (headline (:raw-value "What I expect from this document" :begin 59 :end 
310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :level 1 
:priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 
:footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY 
nil :title ... :parent ...) #4)) #2)) #("I expect that when exported to html 
this file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #2)) (link (:type "http" 
:path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #2)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #2)) #0 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #2)))) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #0))))
  mapconcat(#[(element) "\302  \"\207" [element info org-export-data] 3] (#("I 
expect that when exported to html this file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 
(:parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent (section (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent (headline ... #5)) 
#3)) #1 (link (:type "http" :path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link 
"http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil :search-option nil :begin 164 :end 
186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #(", as 
well as link to external document, like\n" 0 45 (:parent #3)) (link (:type 
"file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #3) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #4))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #3))))) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 
:contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent (section (:begin 95 
:end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent (headline 
... #5)) #3)) #("I expect that when exported to html this file will have 
correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #3)) #1 #(", as well as link to external 
document, like\n" 0 45 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" 
:raw-link "file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #3) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #4))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #3))))) #(", as well as link to external 
document, like\n" 0 45 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 
95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent (section (:begin 
95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent 
(headline ... #5)) #3)) #("I expect that when exported to html this file will 
have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #1 (link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #3) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #4))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #3))))) (link (:type "file" :path 
"test1.org" :raw-link "file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" 
:application nil :search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 
:contents-begin 282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent (paragraph (:begin 
95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 
95 :parent (section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 
:post-blank 0 :parent (headline ... #5)) #3)) #("I expect that when exported to 
html this file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "http" 
:path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #3)) #1 #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #3)))) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #1))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent 
(section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:parent (headline ... #5)) #3)) #("I expect that when exported to html this 
file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #3) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #4))) #1)))) "")
  org-export-data((paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 
:contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent (section (:begin 95 
:end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent (headline 
(:raw-value "What I expect from this document" :begin 59 :end 310 :pre-blank 1 
:hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :level 1 :priority nil 
:tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 :footnote-section-p 
nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY nil :title (#("What I 
expect from this document" 0 32 ...)) :parent (org-data nil (section ... ... 
...) #4)) #2)) #0)) #("I expect that when exported to html this file will have 
correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #0)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #0)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #0)) (link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #0) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #1))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #0))) (:input-file 
"/home/vladimir/tmp/test2.org" :title ("Test document number 2") 
:html-extension "html" :html-link-home "" :html-link-up "" :html-mathjax "" 
:html-postamble auto :html-preamble t :html-style "" :html-style-extra "" 
:html-style-include-default t :html-style-include-scripts t :html-table-tag 
"<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" 
frame=\"hsides\">" :creator "Generated by <a 
href=\"http://orgmode.org\";>Org</a> mode 7.9.3e in <a 
href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/\";>Emacs</a>" :with-latex t 
:infojs-opt nil :author ("Vladimir Lomov") :date nil :description nil :email 
"vladi...@smoon3.smoon.org" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :headline-levels 3 
:keywords nil :language "en" :preserve-breaks nil ...))
  #[(element) "\302    \"\207" [element info org-export-data] 3]((paragraph 
(:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 95 :parent (section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 
:contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent (headline (:raw-value "What I expect 
from this document" :begin 59 :end 310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil 
:todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 :footnote-section-p nil 
:archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY nil :title (#("What I 
expect from this document" 0 32 ...)) :parent (org-data nil (section ... ... 
...) #4)) #2)) #0)) #("I expect that when exported to html this file will have 
correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #0)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #0)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #0)) (link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #0) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #1))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #0))))
  mapconcat(#[(element) "\302  \"\207" [element info org-export-data] 3] 
((paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent (section (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent (headline 
(:raw-value "What I expect from this document" :begin 59 :end 310 :pre-blank 1 
:hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :level 1 :priority nil 
:tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 :footnote-section-p 
nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY nil :title (#("What I 
expect from this document" 0 32 ...)) :parent (org-data nil ... #5)) #3)) #1)) 
#("I expect that when exported to html this file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 
(:parent #1)) (link (:type "http" :path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link 
"http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil :search-option nil :begin 164 :end 
186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) #(", as 
well as link to external document, like\n" 0 45 (:parent #1)) (link (:type 
"file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #1) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #2))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #1)))) "")
  org-export-data((section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 
310 :post-blank 0 :parent (headline (:raw-value "What I expect from this 
document" :begin 59 :end 310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 
:contents-end 310 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type 
nil :post-blank 0 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil 
:quotedp nil :CATEGORY nil :title (#("What I expect from this document" 0 32 
(:parent #2))) :parent (org-data nil (section (:begin 1 :end 59 :contents-begin 
1 :contents-end 58 :post-blank 1 :parent #4) (keyword (:key "TITLE" :value 
"Test document number 2" :begin 1 :end 33 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 
:parent #5)) (keyword (:key "AUTHOR" :value "Vladimir Lomov" :begin 33 :end 58 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 33 :parent #5))) #2)) #0)) (paragraph (:begin 95 
:end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 
:parent #0) #("I expect that when exported to html this file will have correct 
URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "http" :path "//www.orgmode.org" 
:raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil :search-option nil :begin 
164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) 
#(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 45 (:parent #1)) (link 
(:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #1) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #2))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #1)))) (:input-file 
"/home/vladimir/tmp/test2.org" :title ("Test document number 2") 
:html-extension "html" :html-link-home "" :html-link-up "" :html-mathjax "" 
:html-postamble auto :html-preamble t :html-style "" :html-style-extra "" 
:html-style-include-default t :html-style-include-scripts t :html-table-tag 
"<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" 
frame=\"hsides\">" :creator "Generated by <a 
href=\"http://orgmode.org\";>Org</a> mode 7.9.3e in <a 
href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/\";>Emacs</a>" :with-latex t 
:infojs-opt nil :author ("Vladimir Lomov") :date nil :description nil :email 
"vladi...@smoon3.smoon.org" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :headline-levels 3 
:keywords nil :language "en" :preserve-breaks nil ...))
  #[(element) "\302    \"\207" [element info org-export-data] 3]((section 
(:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent 
(headline (:raw-value "What I expect from this document" :begin 59 :end 310 
:pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :level 1 
:priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 
:footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY 
nil :title (#("What I expect from this document" 0 32 (:parent #2))) :parent 
(org-data nil (section (:begin 1 :end 59 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 58 
:post-blank 1 :parent #4) (keyword (:key "TITLE" :value "Test document number 
2" :begin 1 :end 33 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 :parent #5)) (keyword 
(:key "AUTHOR" :value "Vladimir Lomov" :begin 33 :end 58 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 33 :parent #5))) #2)) #0)) (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 
:contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent 
#0) #("I expect that when exported to html this file will have correct URL,\n" 
0 69 (:parent #1)) (link (:type "http" :path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link 
"http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil :search-option nil :begin 164 :end 
186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #1)) #(", as 
well as link to external document, like\n" 0 45 (:parent #1)) (link (:type 
"file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #1) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #2))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #1)))))
  mapconcat(#[(element) "\302  \"\207" [element info org-export-data] 3] 
((section (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 
0 :parent (headline (:raw-value "What I expect from this document" :begin 59 
:end 310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 
:level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type nil :post-blank 0 
:footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :quotedp nil :CATEGORY 
nil :title (#("What I expect from this document" 0 32 (:parent #3))) :parent 
(org-data nil (section (:begin 1 :end 59 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 58 
:post-blank 1 :parent #5) (keyword ...) (keyword ...)) #3)) #1)) (paragraph 
(:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 95 :parent #1) #("I expect that when exported to html this 
file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #2)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #2)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #2)) (link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #2) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #3))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #2))))) "")
  org-export-data((headline (:raw-value "What I expect from this document" 
:begin 59 :end 310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline :contents-begin 95 
:contents-end 310 :level 1 :priority nil :tags nil :todo-keyword nil :todo-type 
nil :post-blank 0 :footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil 
:quotedp nil :CATEGORY nil :title (#("What I expect from this document" 0 32 
(:parent #0))) :parent (org-data nil (section (:begin 1 :end 59 :contents-begin 
1 :contents-end 58 :post-blank 1 :parent #2) (keyword (:key "TITLE" :value 
"Test document number 2" :begin 1 :end 33 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 
:parent #3)) (keyword (:key "AUTHOR" :value "Vladimir Lomov" :begin 33 :end 58 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 33 :parent #3))) #0)) (section (:begin 95 :end 
310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent #0) (paragraph 
(:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 95 :parent #1) #("I expect that when exported to html this 
file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #2)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
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"http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil :search-option nil :begin 164 :end 
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#("Purpose of this document" 0 24 ...)) #(".\n" 0 2 ...)))))) (keyword (:key 
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:post-blank 0 :parent #1) (paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 
:contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent #2) #("I expect 
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#3)) (link (:type "http" :path "//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link 
"http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil :search-option nil :begin 164 :end 
186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #(", as 
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282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #3) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #4))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #3)))))) "")
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#1)) (keyword (:key "AUTHOR" :value "Vladimir Lomov" :begin 33 :end 58 
:post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 33 :parent #1))) (headline (:raw-value "What I 
expect from this document" :begin 59 :end 310 :pre-blank 1 :hiddenp outline 
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expect from this document" 0 32 (:parent #1))) :parent #0) (section (:begin 95 
:end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 0 :parent #1) 
(paragraph (:begin 95 :end 310 :contents-begin 95 :contents-end 310 :post-blank 
0 :post-affiliated 95 :parent #2) #("I expect that when exported to html this 
file will have correct URL,\n" 0 69 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "http" :path 
"//www.orgmode.org" :raw-link "http://www.orgmode.org"; :application nil 
:search-option nil :begin 164 :end 186 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil 
:post-blank 0 :parent #3)) #(", as well as link to external document, like\n" 0 
45 (:parent #3)) (link (:type "file" :path "test1.org" :raw-link 
"file:test1.org::*Purpose%20of%20this%20document" :application nil 
:search-option "*Purpose of this document" :begin 231 :end 308 :contents-begin 
282 :contents-end 306 :post-blank 0 :parent #3) #("Purpose of this document" 0 
24 (:parent #4))) #(".\n" 0 2 (:parent #3)))))) (:input-file 
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"<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" 
frame=\"hsides\">" :creator "Generated by <a 
href=\"http://orgmode.org\";>Org</a> mode 7.9.3e in <a 
href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/\";>Emacs</a>" :with-latex t 
:infojs-opt nil :author ("Vladimir Lomov") :date nil :description nil :email 
"vladi...@smoon3.smoon.org" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :headline-levels 3 
:keywords nil :language "en" :preserve-breaks nil ...))
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Org version:
Org-mode version 7.9.3e (7.9.3e-1194-g43c8aa @ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/)

GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.6.4) of 
2013-02-23 on smoon3

I remember once being on a station platform in Cleveland at four in the
morning.  A black porter was carrying my bags, and as we were waiting for
the train to come in, he said to me: "Excuse me, Mr. Cooke, I don't want to
invade your privacy, but I have a bet with a friend of mine.  Who composed
the opening theme music of 'Omnibus'?  My friend said Virgil Thomson."  I
asked him, "What do you say?" He replied, "I say Aaron Copeland." I said,
"You're right."  The porter said,  "I knew Thomson doesn't write counterpoint
that way."  I told that to a network president, and he was deeply unimpressed.
                -- Alistair Cooke

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